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Carbohydrates are arguably the most important macronutrient needed for ultra endurance athletes. Simply put, carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and other foods. They provide fuel for the central nervous system and energy for working muscles: without carbs, the body runs much less efficiently. Read on to learn everything there is to know about carbohydrates and their vital role in ultra sport nutrition!

Nutrition for ultra-marathons or ultra-trails is a whole new ballgame of fueling and hydration requirements. Defined as events lasting at least 6 hours, ultra-endurance events place extreme and unique physiological demands on athletes. Although proper training is undoubtedly a crucial factor in preparing for such extraordinary physical feats, nutrition is also paramount as these events would not be possible without adequate fueling.

People often think that cricket flour and cricket powder are the same ingredients. However, you might be surprised to learn that these two terms, which seem quite similar at first, actually have very different meanings!

Cricket powder is milled from whole crickets, so it has a nutritional profile high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. On the other hand, flour is a powder ground from grains and has a very different nutrient composition than that of cricket powder. If you’re confused, don’t worry, we’ll be explaining the differences in this article!

Crickets are not only delicious, but are excellent for health, especially for ultra endurance athletes! Need further convincing? Here are 10 reasons why you should add crickets to your diet.

Proper fueling for endurance athletes means more than just replacing calories: it also involves consistent and adequate electrolyte and fluid replenishment. Fluids and electrolytes are more consumed by athletes for a number of different reasons and an electrolyte imbalance can seriously impact overall athletic performance. If you’re wondering what electrolytes are and why you might need them, all of your questions will be answered in this article!

Caffeine is the world’s most widely used psychoactive drug and by far the most common stimulant to date. Most of us are familiar with the stimulating effects of caffeine, but for endurance athletes in particular, caffeine is often used to boost energy and performance. However, the science behind caffeine supplementation in endurance athletes is muddled, as we often hear contradicting thoughts on the drug. If you are curious about the effects of caffeine and whether or not to supplement with it, then this article is for you!

Today is a very special day: Näak is 4 years old! Yes, 4 years already, time flies ... It's an incredible adventure that continues thanks to

For less adventurous eaters, you may feel more inclined to eat crickets if they were presented as flour. Thankfully, cricket flour is becoming one of the most popular ways of integrating insects into your diet. Cricket flour, or cricket powder, is made 100% from crickets and has been labeled as a superfood while being a sustainable product. If you’re confused as to why you should be using cricket flour, what it is, and how you can use it, this article will address all of your questions!

Plant-based athletes have been proving for years now that you don’t need meat to succeed. As a matter of fact, some endurance athletes now swear by a vegan diet, claiming that they feel healthier, less inflamed, and more energized.

It’s no secret that nutrition is paramount to running. Whether you’re preparing for a big race or keeping in shape during the off-season, your nutrition has a huge impact on performance, and there’s no way to outrun a bad diet. Here are 5 tips for ultra runners to help get your nutrition right for your next event!

At Näak, we took on the challenge of creating the only energy bar you’ll ever need. Made with natural ingredients and no preservatives or refined sugar, Näak energy bars are everything you wished for! Their nutritional value and physical characteristics are designed to meet the energy needs of ultra endurance athletes looking to redefine what is possible in sport. What makes our bars so unique? Read on to find out why so many athletes are turning to Näak!

Tired of looking for an energy bar that satisfies all of your needs? Look no further, you’ve come to the right place! Näak energy bars are the first sport nutrition products designed to meet the energy needs of ultra endurance athletes. Our sustainable products are designed for ultra distances and high-intensity training with more electrolytes for hydration and amino acids for your muscles. Read on to discover more reasons to choose Näak Energy Bars.

Athletes are no longer just making a plant based diet work for their training; they’re thriving on it. This lifestyle is starting to pick up momentum as endurance athletes are adopting a plant based diet for a variety of reasons, including health, environment, and performance. Additionally, when a plant-based diet is coupled with entomophagy, the practice of eating insects, you get the world’s ultimate sustainable superfood diet! Insects, particularly crickets, provide many of the essential nutrients that plants lack.

Fasting diets have become increasingly popular over the last several years, with the promise of weight loss and performance benefits. They have especially gained traction among dieters and bodybuilders looking to lose weight, with an increasing number of endurance athletes practicing it to increase fat oxidation capacity in their muscles. However, there are varying schools of thoughts and opinions on the matter: while some may swear by fasting, others call it a waste of time and energy. If you ever thought about how this diet could possibly help or harm your performance, keep reading to learn more!


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