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This week, the guys were able to get better acquainted with a very sociable insect that is known for its exemplary company: the mosquito. It even forced them to have dinner in the tent, as its taste for good company could not be satisfied at dusk. Fortunately, the wind blows strongly during the day, which disperses these six-legged vampires. As our brave adventurers found ancient Inuit sites, they often marvelled at their status as tourists in these places and reflected on their own experiences. Even though many parts of this land appear uninhabited and hostile, they are imbued with the spirits of the people who once lived and still live there.

The expedition team had to, as you know, repair their canoes last week due to severe equipment problems. In good news, the repairs are holding up so well that the guys have decided not to look for new boats for the next canoe section. Nicolas, Etienne and Philippe also climbed Meadowbank Mountain, 200 meters high. Atop the mountain, they found ancient Inuit occupation sites, tent sites, rock circles, and even artifacts on the mountain, including a tool carved from a caribou leg bone.

Our expedition team currently has very varied days, crisscrossing the territory through chains of lakes and minor rivers. So far, progress is good. They plan to return to the Back River soon. However, a rather severe problem will require a lot of adaptation for the canoe section. It is an equipment problem. The guys have noticed lately that one of their canoes has started to delaminate. Each day, the canoe continues crumbling from the inside, and cracks appear on the hull.

The team at expedition AKOR has been trekking through the Arctic Desert in Nunavut, Canada, for 13 weeks now. This week brings caribou, swans, and much needed break from the journey.

It appears that the team of Expedition AKOR is approaching the final days of the skiing portion of their journey.

The pace of the guys is impressive: about 26-28 km per day. Getting ahead of schedule every day, they should arrive in Gjoa's Haven in 11-12 days. When in Gjoa Haven, they will meet up with Philippe and Étienne, who will join them to begin the first canoe section of the expedition.

This week's newsletter brings only good news. First, let's remember that our adventurers

After almost two full weeks of well-deserved rest, our adventurers are ready to put on their skis again!

For the past week, our trio has been resting in the warmth of Resolute Bay. They have taken a liking to the little house that their

This week has been a trying and exciting time for our beloved adventurers, from polar bear encounters to injuries.

Week 5 of expedition AKOR has been a complete success. With minor setbacks the last week, the team continues to push forth,

Already 3 weeks have passed since starting their monumental expedition, the ice floes' harshness has already been felt on the team. Over the past few days, they have been put to the test.

The guys have now reached their cruising speed necessary to succeed in making the journey in the calculated time, namely 23

The thought of camping in Polar Bear terrain, by itself, is enough to make any skilled adventurer hesitate.World-renowned as the most powerful, sometimes feared, but always respected, hunters of the Great White North; the mighty polar bear is just one of the many obstacles that the team of expedition AKOR must face on their daunting journey.


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